Glass of water sitting on counter

Why Your Home May Need One

It’s easy for homeowners to turn on the faucet, use whatever flows out, and continue on with their day without a second thought. However, the water within our homes that we bathe, wash, and cook with, as well as drink, is definitely deserving of a second, third, fourth, and fifth thought!

What we put into our bodies is important to our health and well-being, as well as our pipes and fixtures. That is why we here at Epic Plumbing believe water softeners are a vital addition to every home’s plumbing system. Read on to learn about hard water, how it impacts your home, and why a softener should be on your plumbing wish list.

Hard Water

Hard water isn’t just a dumbed-down way of saying ice. It’s a term used to describe water that contains high amounts of calcium and magnesium. To dive into the numbers, let’s look at what the U.S Department of Interior and the Water Quality Association has to say about water softness:

  • Soft - Less than 60 mg/L of calcium carbonate

  • Moderately Hard - 61-120 mg/L of calcium carbonate

  • Hard - 121-180 mg/L of calcium carbonate

  • Very Hard - Above 180 mg/L of calcium carbonate

Is It Safe To Drink?

Lucky for your health, hard water does not pose a serious threat to your family when consumed. While this may be the case, there are still many reasons why you should consider installing a water softener for the good of your household. Including the fact that soft water is likely to taste better, making that refreshing glass of water or your morning coffee that much yummier.

Hard Water and Your Body

Again, while hard water is alright for consumption, the rest of your body may not take so kindly to it. Showering with hard water can affect and change your hair, creating a scaly build-up that can dull the shine, make it more difficult to style, and rougher to the touch.

Your skin isn’t safe from hard water harm either. The scaly build-up we mentioned can reduce moisture in your skin and make you feel less clean after bathing. The reduced moisture can also cause dandruff, eczema, and overall itchy, dry skin.

Hard Water and Your Home

One of the biggest downsides to allowing hard water to stick around is that it will make some unwanted changes to your home.

Piping and Fixtures

As hard water moves through your piping and out your fixtures, it leaves behind some of its excess minerals. Over time, this can rust your pipes or cause build-up large enough to clog. Additionally, hard water will leave residue on your shower head and faucets, as well as stains on the sink and bathtub. If you’re sick of the eyesore, you can clean them off with white vinegar!

You can also thank hard water for spotty dishes after a dishwashing cycle.


Your washing machine uses the same hard water to clean your clothes. Like how your skin is left dry and not as clean from hard water, so are your clothes. The hard water can also dull the color of certain pieces after repeated washes.

Water Softeners

The solution to your hard water woes is not difficult to find! Water softeners can be installed that neutralize the unwanted minerals or remove them altogether, leaving you with softer water flowing freely throughout the home.

With a water softener from Epic Plumbing, we can help avoid:

  • Staining and build-up on fixtures

  • Faded laundry

  • Dry skin and hair

  • Higher water bills

Plumbing Services in Pearland

For plumbers you can rely on to get your water to it’s ideal state, look no further than the team at Epic Plumbing! Give us a call to discuss your water softness and filtration needs at (281) 815-2322 or contact us online. 


